It's not a bad idea to think of information as the foundation of any research project. If it isn't sound to begin with, the completed assignment will surely fall flat. However, building a strong foundation is easier said than done. Let's just say a quick and dirty Google search doesn't always cut it. Don't forget, the library purchases many electronic resources that will not pop up on Google. Indeed, becoming information literate takes time. Yet there is no doubt that information literacy will enhance your academic abilities, especially if you plan to transfer.
We like to remind people that librarians are teachers, too. Cuyamaca College librarians are always willing to sit down with a student and offer a one-on-one session on an information topic. If you are interested in a more systematic way of learning how to become a good researcher in this this increasiningly electronic information environment, try signing up for LIR 110: Research Methods in an Online World. In any event, come on in and say hello.
Good luck this fall!
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